The following are the improvements that i was told could be made:
-Add the date - no date on the cover
-Add website address on cover too
-make the puff "Free pullout poster" larger

-Too much blank space on right page
-Top left image too dull/not colourful enough
-The lines between the images need to be thicker-define boundaries between each better
-"contents"on the top bar needs to be changed
-pull quote on right page needs to be more defined/bolder
-photo credits should be made smaller and put on inside of page
I also asked more specific questions about each page and got video feedback from 3 different people.
1. Is the colour scheme too varied?
2. What does the Masthead connote?
3. Is there too few coverlines?
1. Is there too little contents on the contents page?
2. Is the colour scheme consistent?
1. Should the page numbers be on the bottom as traditional magazines do?
2. Do the fonts fit the style of the magazine?
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