Friday, 20 December 2013

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Audience Feedback

I asked a group of 3 people that represent the target audience how i could improve each magazine draft.
The following are the improvements that i was told could be made:

 -Add the date - no date on the cover
 -Add website address on cover too
 -make the puff "Free pullout poster" larger


 -Too much blank space on right page
 -Top left image too dull/not colourful enough
 -The lines between the images need to be thicker-define boundaries between each better


 -"contents"on the top bar needs to be changed
 -pull quote on right page needs to be more defined/bolder
 -photo credits should be made smaller and put on inside of page

I also asked more specific questions about each page and got video feedback from 3 different people.
1. Is the colour scheme too varied?
2. What does the Masthead connote?
3. Is there too few coverlines?
1. Is there too little contents on the contents page?
2. Is the colour scheme consistent?
1. Should the page numbers be on the bottom as traditional magazines do?
2. Do the fonts fit the style of the magazine?

Monday, 16 December 2013

Model 2 - Georgia

Georgia will be wearing clothes more expected of a listener of rock/metal/grunge type music, as some of the genre that the magazine is based on mixes with such genres.
The colours will be bright along with black to fit with the colour scheme of the magazine whilst still keeping a somewhat grunge look.
She will be wearing a pair of ripped black jeans similar to these:
 And will have cyan blue tights underneath.
She will be wearing a black band tee/tanktop with blue print, and converse shoes.

Model 1 - Francesca

Francesca will be representing the more "Indie" side of the genres. She will be wearing a fairly loose-fitted jacket and leggings, using somewhat dark colours which will contrast against Georgia's bright clothing.

Photoshoot - Models

Potential models

Francesca would be a good potential model as she is part of the target audience, meaning that she represents the readers of the magazine.

I have used her as a model before and know that she is good to use as she is both photogenic and good at following instructions.


Georgia would make a good model as though she does not represent the target audience she represents a similar audience, which would give the magazine a more open feel as it covers more than one genre.

I have decided to use both models in my magazine as if they were in a band.

Photo shoot ideas - Setting

Due to the genre and nature of the magazine I am creating, I would like the central photo on the caver to be vibrant and colourful. Having the photo taken indoors will probably cause it to be fairly dark, so the photo would best be taken outside. Due to the weather being fairly dull this time of year, I would need to arrange the photo shoot for a bright day, most likely fairly early morning. having the photo taken early enough for the landscape to still be frosty would be a bonus.
The photo would need to be taken somewhere quite green and orange, as i would like it to have vibrant colours and this is difficult to do in a town. I will likely find a cold but bright area with plenty of greenery. This means that the background itself will be fairly bright and clear.